All cyclists need leg strength, it is after all what allows us to pedal with a large amount of force and which is a key component to developing power. This workout is great at developing this leg strength through an accumulation of time at low cadence and moderate to high workload. This is interspaced with high intensity efforts, just to keep you on your toes.
View More Sunday Smart-Trainer Session: Quad Crusher II LCTag: Zwift Workout File
Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Spanish Needle
Workouts that provide high training stress on your body provide a lot of fitness improvements. This workout provides repeated efforts close to or above your VO2max and is perfect for short-course triathletes, road cyclists, and mountain bikers.
View More Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Spanish NeedleSunday Smart-Trainer Session – Quad Crusher I LC
All cyclists need leg strength, it is after all what allows us to pedal with a large amount of force and which is a key component to developing power. This workout is great at developing leg strength through an accumulation of time at a low cadence and moderate to high workload. This is interspaced with high-intensity efforts, just to keep you on your toes.
View More Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Quad Crusher I LCSunday Smart-Trainer Session – Spanish Needle -1
Workouts that provide a high training stress on your body provide a lot a fitness improvements. This workout provides repeated efforts at close to or above your VO2max and is perfect for short course triathletes, road cyclists and mountain bikers.
View More Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Spanish Needle -1Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Jesper Medhus’ VO2 Max Test
Using VO2 Max intervals will increase your aerobic capacity and are of immense benefit to endurance athletes. This session has you riding at your VO2 max and is great for both determining your VO2 Max and also for developing it. This session is great for triathletes, road cyclists, and mountain bikers.
View More Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Jesper Medhus’ VO2 Max TestSunday Smart-Trainer Session – Spanish Needle -2
Workouts that provide high training stress on your body provide a lot of fitness improvements. This workout provides repeated efforts close to or above your VO2 max and is perfect for short-course triathletes, road cyclists, and mountain bikers.
View More Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Spanish Needle -2Sunday Smart-Trainer Session: Meredeth Kessler’s Everything Ends And This Will Too
Training at a range of intensities within a short period of time, provides the body with a great training stimulus to promote improvements in fitness. Some of the reps within this workout are done at a low cadence to work on strength and the other half of them are done at a more traditional race-like cadence. There is a wide variety of stimuli within this workout that it will provide fitness for all cyclists (road, triathlon and MtB) and although very non-specific is best suited to the off-season.
View More Sunday Smart-Trainer Session: Meredeth Kessler’s Everything Ends And This Will TooSunday Smart-Trainer Session – Spanish Needle -3
Workouts that provide high training stress on your body provide a lot of fitness improvements. This workout provides repeated efforts at close to or above your VO2 max and is perfect for short-course triathletes, road cyclists, and mountain bikers.
View More Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Spanish Needle -3Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Garmin’s Workout Recommendation #1
Exposure to anaerobic efforts (where oxygen is not predominantly used) helps develop the anaerobic system and builds tolerance and resilience to strenuous efforts. This workout is designed to increase your anaerobic load and avoid boredom in what is otherwise a predominantly aerobic workout. It is an excellent workout for all triathletes, cyclists, and mountain bikers, as it is not too taxing on the anaerobic system.
View More Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Garmin’s Workout Recommendation #1Sunday Smart-Trainer Session: Grin and Bear It
VO2 max is a key determinant of aerobic capacity and therefore endurance performance. This workout will help build and develop your VO2 max and tolerate some lactic acid and is suitable for road cyclists, triathletes, and mountain bikers.
View More Sunday Smart-Trainer Session: Grin and Bear It